Furnished House Suitable for Renting Can Be Purchased for Investment.
In the current environment, the real estate market is quite slow.

In the current environment, the real estate market is quite slow.
The recession on the housing side is stronger than the recession on the commercial real estate side.
The main reasons for this are:
• Prices increased very rapidly as a result of the very strong housing demand after the pandemic period.
• Foreign recruitment, which accelerated after the pandemic period, is no longer there.
• Tenant problems make people step back from housing investments
• Mortgage loan interest rates are very high, and more importantly, loan limits are very low
For the reasons I mentioned above, the number of houses for sale is quite high.
In my opinion, if the seller and the owner of the property are contacted, a 1+1 or 2+1 house is purchased at the right price, in a young or new building, in a central location, and rented out by furnishing the interior, it would be a logical investment.
The cost of the furniture is paid off in approximately two years, because the rental price in furnished rental is 30-50% higher than the unfurnished rental price.
Regarding the rent increase rate issue, in furnished rentals, the tenant will stay for a shorter period of time than in unfurnished rentals, so there will be a higher chance of reaching current rent levels.
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