Real Estate Owner Approaches in Furnished Rental Real Estate.

I visited the property owner, who called me two weeks ago and has a furnished rental flat in a young building in Beşiktaş Vişnezade district.

Real Estate Owner Approaches in Furnished Rental Real Estate.

I visited the property owner, who called me two weeks ago and has a furnished rental flat in a young building in Beşiktaş Vişnezade district.
After measuring the usage area with a laser meter, I presented my expert work and the work I could do at home and abroad to find the right tenant to the property owner, and then I started my work by signing the sole authority agreement.
He called me a day later and said that the criminal sanction clause in the sole authority contract disturbed him and that he wanted to cancel the contract.
When I think about the service he has received so far and the service I will provide, anything other than silence seems like a waste of time.
Similarly, during our meeting with the property owner, whose furnished flat in the Nişantaşı area I visited about a month ago, he gave me very positive feedback about my real estate qualifications and the step back he took regarding my work started to make me think about the following issue.
Is the expectation of property owners when it comes to renting their furnished flats merely to find the right tenant at the right price, or do they have other priorities?
In my opinion, the owner of real estate, which is the most valuable material asset in human life, should not identify himself with his real estate more than necessary.
Human life progresses independently of material possessions.
I remind myself of this sentence when I meet some property owners.

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